Origin Story

From sewing American Girl doll sleeping bags to knitting for my own baby (doll) daughter. I’ve come a long way in my crafting skills as I am sure all you knitters out there have!
My mom was a talented quilter and made hand smoked dresses for me and my two sisters. Her sewing machine was out all the time. I always wanted to use it. It started out as just wish fulfillment. I wanted new accessories for my dolls and I knew I had the power to make that! This lead to a passion of creating and eventually knitting.
New? to Knitting

I have been contemplating the name of our podcast, New to Knitting. But I came to the conclusion that I will always be new to knitting, learning new skills, trying new yarns and techniques, new patterns. There is always something new to try when you are honing a craft. That’s kind of exciting to me. I’m happy to always be a new knitter.
A Note on Perfectionism

Have you heard of the old legend of talented artisans placing in a mistake on purpose to honor a god. By purposefully inserting a mistake into a craft they are telling their god that they know they cannot be as perfect as a god. Through a quick google search I found that this is all a myth. The Amish don’t purposefully insert a mistake in their quilts to show they are not as perfect as God. There just are always mistakes. Because NO one is perfect. Even people who only hand stitch quilts for their entire lives! I don’t know about you, but I find that very comforting!
Secret Knit

Secret knit Item was Red Heart Strata Yarn. It works great for face mask ties! Hot quarantine tip! Maybe more to come? Tips, not the quarantine!
All the Links

Don’t forget to connect with me! You can always find me on instagram @newtoknittingpodcast.
If you want to see my ravelry store find me here! Designer, Kayleigh Kirkland.
If you want to just see what kind of knitting I’m up to, find me as Kaybeth on Ravelry as well!