Aran Knitting

This was one of my favorite knits of last year! The O’Neill aran knitting pattern made into a pillow for my mother-in-law. It was knit using 100% Irish wool. It’s dreamy, it has that classic fisherman’s sweater look in the neutral tone! Check out this pattern and other clan’s patterns at
Darn Good Yarn

Look at this amazing gift! Circulo Whoopee Sport in cotton, Ombre Sport Weight Silk Yarn, and bonus Darn Good Fancy Twist Yarn!
I love it all and I can’t wait to stretch my imagination and figure out something to knit with these. I am also taking suggestions so please add comments and let me know your thoughts!
Secret Knit Brioche

My secret knit is this shawl called What the Fade by Andrea Mowry
I am knitting it without changing yarn colors and creating the beautiful fading effect that Andrea wrote into the pattern. I’m just using this great pattern to learn brioche. She includes some really helpful links to videos to watch and learn this new technique. I couldn’t recommend it enough for the new knitter!
I am also using the hedgehog fibers tweedy yarn. They made this yarn in collaboration with Madelinetosh and I’ll talk a lot more about that in the next episode, so stay tuned!